Changing the Culture of Aging

We are changing the way we think and feel about aging and disability by creating the kind of care and support we want for our loved ones and ourselves.

What do YOU want for your grandparents, your parents and yourself?


It happens to all of us.

No one wants to talk about getting older. We try our best to ignore it.

At some point, someone you know, maybe even you, is going to need help doing the things they can no longer do for themselves. These things include cooking, cleaning, getting dressed, getting in and out of chairs or bed and going to the bathroom.


Care is our way.

Person-Centered care is simply what we want for our loved ones and ourselves. We want to direct our own lives and maintain our simple pleasures no matter where we find ourselves, and in any setting we call home. Having the opportunity to have a meaningful quality of life is a human rights issue.

Attention GA Nursing Home Staff and Related Stakeholders

Scholarships are available for many educational events listed on our event page.

Culture Change

There was a time when the state of the art treatment for any health concern meant being treated in a hospital. This medical model of treatment carried over to the “nursing home”. Long hallways, staff in uniforms at the nursing stations, “patients” in their rooms. All the epitome of efficiency. But, what if an older person doesn’t need “nursing” care? What if the help they need is quality of life care?

Culture Change is a national movement where people are reevaluating the type of care that’s typically provided for elders who need help with activities of daily living. We are reevaluating our ideas about what it is to get old. Culture Change takes into account that older people are human beings who are still growing, learning and pursuing happiness, joy and pleasure.

Culture Change is transforming the organizations who care for our older people to provide home like environments and person-centered care. This movement leaves staff and residents and their families happier and healthier.

Culture Change:


Collective attitudes and behaviors


To lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; switch

Culture Change Values

  • Choice
  • Dignity
  • Respect
  • Privacy
  • Self-Determination
  • Puposeful Living

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